We at Big Trees Community Bible Church Welcome You

Hi, I’m Pastor Jeff.

I recently began a new sermon series on Matthew’s gospel. I hope you’ll join us each week of adventure as we follow Jesus.

My Current Sermon Series — The Gospel of Matthew

Pastor Jeff's current sermon series

Matthew the apostle presents Jesus as a most-extraordinary king with a most-unusual kingdom. He comes preaching the good news of the availability of God’s kingdom. Yet it becomes clear that this is no ordinary kingdom — not a political kingdom, but a spiritual one. It’s a kingdom not of this world, yet it impacts our world in powerful ways. His is a kingdom that will come to its fullness one day, but already appears today in surprising ways! Amazing things happen in God’s kingdom: Needs are met, lives are transformed, and hope is restored.

Please join us each Sunday as well follow Jesus closely on this life-changing adventure.

Find more information, my previous sermon videos, a detailed sermon schedule here.

This Year’s Water Baptism at Spicer Camp

Spicer Family Camp is one of our favorite events of the year! We’ve reserved the group campground at Spicer Reservoir for this special week, which begins Sunday afternoon, August 4 and finishes up by noon on Thursday the 8th.

Spicer Family Camp Invitation 2024

Enjoy swimming, kayaking, fishing, biking, hiking, and other outdoor activities, along with times of fellowship, singing, and playing table games. Everyone brings their own food but we eat together. As it gets dark, we end the day with a campfire.

It’s a relaxing, refreshing time away in a beautiful setting. Those who plan to camp overnight (with tent, camper, or RV) should sign up as soon as possible because spaces are limited. Anyone can come up for a day or even a few hours. No sign-up required for day-campers. Join us if you can!

Water Baptism Invitation 2024

We’ve planned to include a baptismal service at Spicer. If you’d like to be baptized, talk to Pastor Jeff.

Murphys Life Group

The Murphys Life Group invitation

The Murphys Life Group, which meets once a month at Tammy Walczak’s home (441 Pennsylvania Gulch, Murphys), is now studying Paul’s epistle to the Philippians. We meet this month on Thursday, August 22, when we'll focus on “Philippians 2.” This would be a great time to join this group. For more information or directions call Tammy at 209-417-4603.

Women’s Bible Study

The Women's Bible Study Group's new study topic

Our church’s Women’s Bible Study Group is now studying “Deepening Your Prayer Life: Approach God with Boldness.” The study, led by Sue Souza, meets at Jan Sabo’s home: 346 Allen Court, Murphys. For more information, talk to Sue (209-419-1489) or Jan (209-559-2709).

The group meets on Thursday mornings, starting at 10:00 a.m., at Jan Sabo’s home: 340 Allen Court in Murphys. Sue Souza, the group’s coordinator, can be reached at 209-419-1489. [See our group’s Web page for details.]

How to give online to BTCBC

To make giving easier in the present environment, we've set up an online giving option.

Please click the link to our giving portal if you'd like to give online.


You can also find my Daily Devotionals on my blog: "Pastor Jeff's Neighborhood."

More of our ministries have found creative ways to meet and/or function. for more information.

The elders and I are eager to serve and help you in any way we can. Feel free to reach out to us with any needs or concerns you may have. Thank you.

I hope you'll join us "indoors" and/or "online" at our Sunday worship services.

Pastor Jeff